Hi All
By now you will all be aware we are due to open Cocos doors for all to return on the 1st June.
I want every parent and carer to feel we are here to support you and the child on this journey. We are aware whilst some will be happy to just start back as normal, others may wish to take it slow and some may not be ready to return. Whatever way you want to do this is fine. You will not lose your place, hours of days, there will be no pressure from us, all we ask is you keep us informed.
I want to tell you some of the things we have started to put in place to help keep your children safe while here at Coco's (although there are a lot more in the pipeline). I just didn’t want to overload you.
There will be a new wash station outside of the building for the children to wash their hands before they come into school, together with sanitiser for parents and carers.
A Parent or carer for each child will be able to come into the lobby, we have arrows to show you directions (I may take a small video to walk you over how this will work), we have fully cleared the lobby making it easier to keep your distance, I will explain this more next week including the procedure when you arrive.
As children enter the building, we will be taking each child's temperature. To make this less scary for the children, we are busy working on a book with drawings to explain this, and how the zapper gives them super learning powers.
We will be using facemask, gloves, and aprons to change nappies, wipe bottoms, and deal with injuries. However, the rest of the time, in line with guidelines for Early Years, we will not be using masks. Staff will practice the recommended procedure which including a strict hygiene routine.
If you wish your child to wear a face mask that is ok, however, we have been advised that mask for very young children means they touch their faces more often, which is more risky than not wearing a mask.
Children will wash their hands on a regular basis, through out the day.
For the first two weeks we will not be offering school dinners, because we intend to stagger the lunch period so as not all children are sat together. We may introduce lunches in the third week, this is a learning curve for all of us.
Because we have stayed open for keyworker children this has given us some insight on what needs adapting, but with all the children here, there will be some routines and procedures that need tweaking. For this reason - the first week we are planning to close at 3pm (apart from keyworker children), this is to give us time to assess each day, which will help the team with anything we need to change. Those of you that require the addition hours please e-mail or ring me (see below for contact details:
01992 626123
Parents and cares, I would really welcome your input and questions. I will do a formal letter to all parents when we have finalised everything. But always remember you have a say, this is your nursery as much as ours