Here at Coco’s we provide a rich learning environment for all ages. We offer a vast range of experiences to promote the individual developmental stages, encourage children's interests as well as keying into all 7 areas of the nationally approved EYFS.
We help older children prepare to go to school and arm them with life skills, covering topics such as: Caring for our world, Road safety & Feelings and we make sure they have all their self helps skills in place when they leave us.

Our aim is for children develop an outlook towards learning which can last an entire lifetime. These essential life skills equip them to develop confidence to try new things, to bounce back from setbacks and to enjoy new challenges.
We give children opportunities to become independent which helps boost their self-confidence and self-esteem and which in turn, promotes good mental health.

Our team carefully plan the curriculum and the environment to support each child’s individual stage of development. By incorporate the EYFS, life experiences, and children's interests to give the best start in life.