Understanding The Bigger World
We encourage professional visitors from outside of Coco's to tell the children their stories. Tesco's came in to talk about nutrition and the local fire brigade came to show the children the fire engine and to tell them about being a fire fighter
Tesco Nutrition
The children were able to taste lots of different fruit and to learn about the different types of food.
Fire Brigade
Every year the local fire brigade are kind enough to bring one of their fire engines in for the children to climb on and sit in side.
Once a year we bring duck eggs in to the nursery and lets the children watch them hatch in to ducklings. For some children this is the first experience of handling animals
Celebrating Local, National and International Events
We enjoy putting on special events for the children, then can be simple end of term events but also national and international events
Chill Down End Of Term
Celebrating The Queen's Platinum Jubilee
Exploration, Guidance, Inspiration and Support
Coco’s ethos to allow exploration in a safe environment whilst providing guidance, inspiration and support. We do this through a variety of activities based around our learning zones. Here is a taster of what we provide:
Outside Maths
We use out maths shed to bring maths outside of the class room and into the play arena
We encourage role play with our construction site.
Physical Play Skills
We have a range of adventure equipment designed to encourage physical exploration.
Mark Making
Our teachers bring the inside to the outside with out mark making station.
How Things Grow
We have a small garden where the children learn to plant, nurture and harvest and we link this to how things change and move through cycles.
Our Mud Station
Messy play is an important part of a child's exploration experience. At Coco's we have our mud station where the children can cook and weigh and pile and squeeze and squelch.